The way things are going I should have titled my blog “Only on a Sunday” as I have found it difficult to post anything before now.
Many years ago I cancelled my cable TV service and managed to remain cable free for almost two years. It was difficult but I survived, as did my children at the time. Of course they had other sources to watch TV, yet I think they were better off without it. It certainly resolved the fighting over the TV, one of the reasons I cancelled in the first place.
Of course, a few years after living in a TV free zone, I capitulated and reinstated cable TV, only this time, multiple TV’s with multiple options. I was instantly sucked back into that vortex; the boob tube became my Golden Idol once again.
This past Tuesday, I cancelled cable, again because of my kids. Not that they were fighting, but no one was actually watching it at all. Myself included because we were now watching TV episodes on our computers. I beefed up our internet usage and said au revoir to cable TV.
I will admit the first night was hard. I went through a bit of withdrawal, a very large glass of wine later, I was fine.
Both of my kids are pleased that the cable is gone. Not to improve their circumstances, but now one TV is the designated DVD monitor and the other has become my son’s vehicle to hook up several video game systems. Honestly. I somehow think they may have duped me to commandeer my TV’s to their devices.
I should be so brave. Still a junky but I'm slowly getting of the boob tube. I'm getting bored. I'd rather blog